No Filling Advent Calendars

The Convenience of Advent Calendars Without Filling

Advent calendars help kids count down the days until Christmas. The ready-made Advent calendars are filled with little chocolates behind little doors, each of which represents one of the days before Christmas. However, some people prefer Advent calendars without fillings found on eBay because they allow you to personalise the calendar so that it fits the person you’re giving it to.

The advantages of Advent calendars without filling

The issue with ready-made Advent calendars is that you really can only use them once. If you’re not familiar with these items, they’re basically shaped like a calendar that has been printed on a box. Each numbered slot on the calendar is a door behind which is hidden a piece of candy. To get to the candy, you must tear open the door, which only enables you to use it one time.

However, with an empty calendar, you can fill your own Advent calendar. It also means you can reuse the calendar. You get to choose the kinds of gifts that your kids find behind the calendar’s little doors, as well. If you get a fill-your-own Advent calendar, then any miniature item that would appeal to your kids can become a gift to put into the calendar.

Which specific kinds of non-candy fillings are there for Advent calendars?

A large, inexpensive fill-your-own new Advent calendar becomes the receptacle for all sorts of goodies. When you make your own Advent calendar, you can fill it with items that represent the season, like ornaments, miniature prayer books, or holiday cookies. Others will fill an empty cardboard Advent calendar with practical items, like craft or school supplies, money, or lip gloss. If you’ve gotten several Advent calendars for your family members, you might look at the list below to get some ideas for your empty Advent calendar box.

  • Toys: LEGOs, miniature cars and lorries, small dolls, finger puppets, puzzle pieces
  • jewelry and accessories: Charm bracelets, necklaces, hair bows and accessories, watches, vintage beads for necklaces
  • Practical items: Pencils and pens, small notebooks, thumb drives for older kids, socks, stationery
Styles of Advent calendars without filling

As far as the styles for empty Advent calendars to fill go, there are plenty. Some are made of cardboard. Some are miniature boxes onto which you affix a number and a hook and then hang them on the tree. Others are constructed of fabric and wood.

It’s possible to find an Advent calendar that would appeal to just about anyone. Aside from the more traditional calendar styles, you can find refillable new or used Advent calendars shaped like Santa or snowmen, a string of numbered Christmas mittens for the fireplace, stackable blocks, elaborate wood villages, or castles. You can choose to make your own Advent calendar with pictures, too.

Finally, one of the easiest ways to use fill-your-own Advent calendars are by using decorative calendar bags, some of which are made of paper. Others are made of fabric.