Fuel Pumps for Harley-Davidson Softail

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Motorcycle Fuel Pumps for Harley-Davidson Softail

The fuel pump is a necessary component in a Harley-Davidson Softail. Without a functioning pump, your motorcycle wont be able to control the flow of fuel from your gas tank to your engine. Most fuel pump problems can be remedied with a replacement.

What causes fuel pumps to go bad?

The fuel pump may not have the most high-stress job, but its still an important accessory on the FXST and standard models of Softail. Understanding whats likely to trigger problems on your Harley-Davidsons standard fuel pump can help make sure your existing pump lasts longer. It can also minimize how often you need to replace it.

Everyday wear and tear, contamination from rust and dirt, and overheating often results a failing pump. All of these problems can be exacerbated by driving on low gas. This forces your fuel pump to work overtime. Try to always keep at least half a tank in your Harley-Davidson, and clean the connecting parts when installing a new fuel pump.

How can you identify a failing fuel pump?

If the fuel pump in your Softail is starting to go bad, there are several symptoms you might see before it stops working entirely. A fully malfunctioning pump will cause your cycle to stop entirely, so identifying the warning signs and finding a replacement is crucial. If you notice any of these signs in your car, consider using a fuel pressure gauge to verify the problem.

  • Inconsistent performance: Inconsistent performance at high speeds. A failing fuel pump is like an artery. If its clogged or worn, it will start to give out at high speeds, sputtering before reverting back to full performance.
  • Sudden speed increases: Sudden increases in speed are both a danger to the rider and a sign of a fuel pump not working as it should. This is a sign of inconsistent resistance in the fuel pump motor and may require a sudden application of the brakes.
  • Lower gas mileage: The least dramatic sign of a failing fuel pump is a loss of gas mileage.
How do you remove the fuel pump on a Softail?

Before you put the new custom or OEM fuel pump into your Softail, you need to remove the old one. Luckily, this process is relatively simple on Harley-Davidson.

  1. Remove the seat to expose the critical components of the motorcycle.
  2. Open the fuse box and take out the fuse for the fuel pump, then run the engine until it stops working. This will remove all excess fuel from the lines.
  3. Carefully disconnect the negative wire from the battery.
  4. Remove the fuel tank console. It is a small box located between the speedometer and the ignition switch.
  5. Siphon the gasoline from your tank and save it in a container. Loosen the hoses connecting the fuel pump. It can then be lifted out by hand.